Reverse engineering an Android application
I had never looked at Android programming, in my mind it was smelling like desktop web apps. But when buying the drone and analyzing the network capture, it became obvious that I would have to look at how the pilot application was done. So this post tries to be an introduction to reverse engineering on Android.
Disclaimer: it's only a hobby reverse engineering, nothing professional ;)
From the application to raw code
Getting the APK file
First step: retrieving the APK file. As you don't have to pay for the DJI application, I could have found it on sites that provides Android application caches (use google to find your preferred one).
Instead, I've used adb to get it: list applications on the tablet, grab the application path, and then do a local copy:
adb shell pm list packages ... adb shell pm path com.example.someapp ... adb pull /data/app/com.example.someapp-2.apk path/to/desired/destination
From bytecode to Java code
From the APK file (which is a zip file), we extract the DEX file and then passing it to dex2jar, we get some Java bytecode. Then you must use a bytecode decompiler to get some Java code. I did my first tries with the old jd-gui, unfortunately I had a lot of classes with this as code:
Of course, it was the one that had interesting names. I feel like jd-gui has troubles handling Java enums. My second try with luyten was much better and decompiled almost everything.
Note with Android: if the Java byte code has more than 65535 symbols, then it is splitted in two files classes.dex and classes2.dex. So when decompiling don't forget to merge the 2 jars, or you'll get an incomplete code. I've experienced that, with some inner class missing in the generated code. And of course you figure that only after a significant amount of work on the code.
So we have the raw java code, let's have a look.
Show me how it's done inside
First look
The code is partially obfuscated, some semi-public classes aren't.
The DJI application is made of Java and native code. The cool thing with native code is that the Java binding forces to not obfuscate these classes, as the symbols in the native libraries have to match the name of the class and the prototype of the methods.
For example:
To be decoded as:
jCalcChecksumCrc16(_JNIEnv *, _jobject *, _jbyteArray, int)
Nice, it's the crc16 function I'm interested in !
The free version of IDA doesn't decompile ARM, you must have the most expensive version to do it. So I did some tests with some online decompiler. I've tested ODA, it works quite well but only decompiles, and I'm a rookie with ARM assembly... I've also tested Retdec that decompiles but also produce some C code, and that helped a lot.
Side note: desassembly gave me the initialisation values for the CRC16 computation. I tried all the polynoms to compute CRC16 with the data I had, none was matching. So either I failed during my tests, or it's at DJI that they created a boggus lookup table for the CRC16 calculus. As the initialisation value is not standard, I would arg that it's on their side.
Debugging on an Android tablet
Root it, just root it
As a ARM rookie, I couldn't exactly understand was the code was doing. And in a CRC computation the devil is in the details, so a global idea is not enough. I though that doing some step-by-step in gdb would be neat, I would see the changes in registers, that would ease my understanding.
Here starts the tricky part, to do this you must run a gdbserver on the tablet, attach to the DJI app, and put breakpoints in the desired places.
To do that you must be root, and to be root on your tablet... You basically can't, at least in standard. Welcome to a world where you buy an equipment but you can't do what you want with it. I had to root my tablet, of course I was in the case where no exploit was known, so I had to do the technic that envolve poking things at the bootloader level. I must admit that I have followed the instructions and that at some point I thought that I could end up with an unrevealed crc16 function and a bricked tablet. Fortunately everything worked as expected, and I've been able to do some gdb on the pilot application and understand the crc16 function.
Funny thing is that the code is available online. But that allowed me to validate that it's the same computation, and to know on which part of the packet the CRC was computed. Waste of time ? No, it's just that victory without risk brings triumph without glory.
Well designed applications are easier to reverse engineer
The obfuscation on Java bytecode clearly complicates the reverse engineering job. When you've seen 5 times a and that it is: a local variable, a class name, a parameter, a package name or a field name, you end up crazy. Even Eclipse and Netbeans have sometime troubles handling that.
When a program is well designed, some patterns appear very quickly when looking at the code. Surprisingly badly written programs are more protected against reverse engineering when using obfuscation, as it is a kind of natural obfuscation.
Network bytes to their meaning
In my reverse engineering case, it's sometime tricky to guess the meaning of a given byte in a network packet. The class that does the parsing has obfuscated field / method names:
public ConnStatus m() { return ConnStatus.ofData(this.<Integer>get(34, 1, Integer.class)); } /* .... */ public enum ConnStatus { a(0), b(1), c(2), d(100); private int e; /* .... */ }
We know that m() is the 34th byte, but no obvious hint to know its meaning. Given the type name, we guess that it's a status. The values can be 0, 1 and 2. 100 is the value for unknown.
To find the meaning of the m function, we're gonna look at the callers of this function. Ideally we would find a caller printing this value with hints on the meaning. We're also looking at the users of the a value of the enum. The Java enum helps us a lot because it's that symbolic value that will be used instead of 0, 1 or 2 (just imagine grepping the code to see where 0, 1, and 2 are used).
Under Netbeans (eclipse does it too), use Call Hierarchy:
Then we find a caller that give good hints:
public void update(final DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon dataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon) { final long ak = this.ak; final DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus m = dataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.m(); boolean b = true; if (DataOsdGetPushCommon.BatteryType.c != DataOsdGetPushCommon.getInstance().x()) { b = false; } long n; if ((m == DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus.b || m == DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus.c) && b) { this.a(ak, DJIFpvTipView.r, "v2_battery_connect_error"); n = (DJIFpvTipView.r | ak); } else { n = (~DJIFpvTipView.r & ak); } /* .... */ }
It looks like the b and c values of ConnStatus are error cases. Looking at references to a, we see that function that seems to give the history of the battery:
private String a(final j j) { String s = this.a; if (j.a()) { if (j.b()) { final DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus c = j.c(); final String c2 = this.c; if (c == DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus.b) { s = this.b; } else { s = c2; if (c == DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus.c) return c2; }
Then the s string is printed in the UI. Looking at class initialisation functions, we find that code:
this.a = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_normal_status); this.b = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_invalid_status); this.c = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_exception_status);
We see without any doubt that b means invalid and c to exception.
It's time to ask Netbeans to do misc refactorings (Refactor -> rename, ou Ctrl+R), then the code becomes clearer:
if (j.isErrorConnStatus()) { final DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus status = j.getConnStatus(); final String c2 = this.exceptionStatus; if (status == DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus.INVALID) { s = this.invalidStatus; } else { s = c2; if (status == DataCenterGetPushBatteryCommon.ConnStatus.EXCEPTION) { return c2; } } }
The same applies to the bytes of the packet. For some it's a little more complicated because a mediation class is used to parse the network bytes and create a gui bean. But with these very explicit constant strings, it's quite easy to find out the meaning of all bytes:
this.d = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_firstlevel_current); this.e = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_secondlevel_current); this.f = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_firstlevel_over_temperature); this.g = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_secondlevel_overt_temperature); this.i = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_firstlevel_low_temperature); this.j = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_secondlevel_low_temperature); this.k = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_short_circuit); this.l = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_under_voltage); this.m = c.getString(R.string.setting_ui_battery_history_invalid);
Once more, the clean design helps when reverse engineering the application. The calls to getString() are there for internationalization, and they help a lot.
It's probably a case where:
- the coding team has introduced the obfuscation without taking care of the result (perhaps after a security audit, where the team does quick and dirty fixes);
- obfuscation was probably not present at the beginning of the project, or a design with lots of introspection calls won't have been choosen;
To conclude
I has been a quite interesting reverse engineering case, I managed to identify most of the key data fields. I'm working on a python program to pilot the drone from a standalone application on a laptop.
To be continued...